#*incrediously violent sobbing*
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sphnyspinspin · 2 years ago
Y’all I’m fucking miserable because I was scrolling through my saves on tiktok, and I found this old *sniff* this old Citadel S-Secundus edit and-and-and I am really sad now and um *starts crying* now I-I really miss Secundus and I miss Secundus’s friends e-even though I’ve never *blows nose* never m-m-met them uh uh uh- AUGGH WHY WOULD RBA DO THIS TO ME!?
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yourdeepestfathoms · 6 years ago
👀 i see you like Angelica. how about this for a prompt: someone (probably a student or one of Jacob’s “friends”) tries to poison Jacob at dinner for knowing too much about the Vaults but slips up and poisons Angelica’s drink instead? it’s a little random, but I love what you’ve done with her character and want to see more, so this is what I came up with
anon I’m fucking sobbing this is the kind of submissions I dream of getting sent in oh my god I’m so in love with this idea thank you so much I would DIE for you
Jacob was ranting the moment he sat down at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. He opened up his current journal (he fills MANY- this was probably the third this school year) and flipped to the page he seemed to have just filled out.
“So,” He started with natural enthusiasm about these kind of things, “I’ve got some new information on the Cursed Vaults.”
Angelica raised an eyebrow at him in intrigue, nodding her head as a way of telling him to go on, since her mouth was full.
“We’re in this a lot deeper than I had been expecting, Angie. Way deep. It’s-it’s incredible- the things I’ve discovered recently.” Jacob said, tripping over his words due to his excitement.
“So that’s why you haven’t been to most classes for the past few days,” Angelica said after she swallowed. “Well? Out with it! Spill! I wanna know what you found.”
Jacob smiled.
“Since you asked...”
While he was explaining, Angelica began to feel very lightheaded. She blinked multiple times because a blizzard was suddenly raging across her line of sight. She tried to rub her eyes, but it didn’t help. In fact, it seemed to make her weird case of vertigo worse. Jacob was too invested in his findings to notice how pale she had gotten in just a few moments.
“Hey guys.”
Angelcia reared her dropping head up at the sound of her best friend’s voice. She smiled at him, and he grinned back, but then frowned for some reason.
“Woah, Angel, are you alright?”
Angelica furrowed her eyebrows at him. Was her dizziness that noticeable?
“What are you talking about?” She asked.
“Your eyes...” Chester answered. He extended a hand to touch, but pulled back and sat down beside her. “Your pupils, I mean. They’re, like, really big.”
Angelica blinked a few times, in confusion and to try and clear the snowstorm again.
“Oh. Well, that’s weird. I feel fine, though.”
A little wooziness wasn’t classified as “not fine” in her book, so she was technically telling the truth. Chester would still probably fret over her if she told him, which is why she didn’t, even if her condition was serious.
“Alright...” Chester slowly and then looked at Jacob, “Talking about the Cursed Vaults again? Sorry if I interrupted. You can continue now.”
Jacob nodded.
“No worries! You can hear how amazing this is, too! Seriously, it’s jaw-dropping! Like, I had no idea there were so many Cursed Vaults, but the clues I found said-“ He stops when Angelica started coughing. He looks at her with a confused-concerned look. “Are you alright?”
Angelica waved a hand and then nodded. She cleared her throat.
“Fine,” She said, swallowing thickly, “Just swallowed wrong. Continue!”
“Alright! Anyway, I think there’s one in the library. I’m not sure which one just yet, but I’m sure it’s there and we gotta find it. Could you imagine if we did? We’d show everyone who ever laughed at this! It would be incredi-“
Angelica is coughing again. But it isn’t light or normal, it was...painful. It sounded painful. It was also loud, and other students and professors at their own table turned to look in curiousity.
The Gryffindor raised a hand to try and brush them off, but she couldn’t speak. When she did, a rush of blood, drool, and foam comes from from her mouth. One of Angelica’s now blood-splattered hands smeared against the tabletop as she collapsed to the ground, spasming violently.
The Great Hall erupts in pandemonium.
Chester moves as fast as light. He’s the first to get to Angelica, lifting her head and cradling it above the hard floor. Her jaw is dyed red with blood and she’s still frothing at the lips. Her chest is contracting wildly, desperate for air that she’s just barley able to get into her stinging lungs.
Most students leap away, but Jacob, Felix, and Jane (who were heading over to sit down when this all went down) rushed over. Many professors went to the fallen Gryffindor’s aid as well.
“What the hell is going on?!” Felix exclaimed.
“I don’t know, I don’t know!” Chester replies, his eyes as wide as Angelica’s pupils.
“Poison?” Jacob suddenly said and many heads snap towards him.
“Poison?” Jane echoes.
“Maybe? Who knows!”
Felix starts poking through the food on Angelica’s plate. He runs a nervous hand through his hair.
“Ah, bloody hell, is this coconut? She’s allergic to that, isn’t she?”
“I didn’t have any of that in my food.” Jane put in.
“And I don’t think an allergic reaction would do that,” Jacob motions for the bloody mess being expelled from Angelica’s mouth.
“It can if it’s bad.” Chester said.
Angelica makes a strangled cry of pain, shuddering in Chester’s arms. Her hands raise and she starts to scratch and claw desperately at her throat, like she was trying to open up an airway so she could breathe. Chester sets her head in his lap so he could grab her wrists.
“Don’t do that, Angel,” He chided softly, then raises his head to address everyone gawking, “She has medicine and she needs it now. Someone, I don’t care who, go get it or I swear to Merlin I will kill all of you for being so useless.”
Jacob was the one to jump up and run for the Gryffindor common room. Jane and Felix watched him go before noticing a cloaked student standing near the Great Hall doors. When they noticed them, the student hurried out.
“We’ll be back,” Felix said to Chester before he and Jane both sprinted after the mysterious figure.
Chester didn’t ask about what they were doing because, frankly, he didn’t care. He was too busy trying to soothe his best friend, who was possibly dying in his arms.
Above him, the professors are definitely bouncing theories off of one another, and maybe talking to him, but he ignored them. He didn’t want to dare move Angelica to the Hospital Wing- it could be bad. So, instead, he just decided to keep stroking her hair and telling her she would be okay. She couldn’t respond obviously, but she was still reacting to his words, as her nails curled into his own wrists and her eyes never left his. The fear in those amber irises was similar to that of a wounded lion cub.
“You’re going to be okay, you’re going to be okay,” Chester muttered over and over again, leaning his head down to press his forehead against her own. He closed his eyes and prayed to every celestial being that might be out there for Angelica’s recovery, because he might as well kill himself now if she was just going to die in his arms.
The robed wizard hissed softly, swiftly rounding a corner so they could have a moment to catch their breath. Not only did they poison the wrong kid, but they also didn’t add nearly enough nightshade juice to the drink. That child should have been dead in a pool of her own blood and drool by now, but no. She was still struggling to live through the belladonna concoction they had whipped up. Back to the drawing board, they suppose. They had to work fast; that Jacob knew too much, but so did his little friend. Maybe taking her out, too, wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
Manic footsteps and angry yelling echoed down the hallway and the wizard cursed beneath their breath. While they started to run, they couldn’t help but wonder...what asshole planted coconut shavings in that kid’s food?
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cr00kedt33th · 6 years ago
"No" Helga said coldly.
The ice in her words chilled the air. All Arnold could muster was a weak and stumbling "W-What?" 
Helga stepped forward, pushing aside Phoebe and Gerald, glaring daggers at him. He instinctively took a step back from her. Gulping nervously as he noticed her hands trembling in clenched fists. Her whole body shook with rage as it racked through her chest and rattled her lungs. 
But the worst were the tears brimming in her eyes.
"I said no" It sounded more like a growl than a reply. Phoebe and her husband looked cautiously at each other. It had been a very long time since Helga got this angry...in fact...the last time she was this angry was about the same subject. 
"I'm his dad! Don't you think I deserve to-"
"No you are not his dad, you are the sperm donner. And you definitely, absolutely, do not deserve anything remotely related to me or my sons time. The son I raised, by myself, without you ever in the picture. Because you wanted it that way!" She seethed. "I was the one who sacrificed everything for this kid. He is my son, not yours!" Tears slipped down her cheeks as her shoulders shook and it took everything in herself to not to deck him.
"But you didn't even tell him! You can't blame him for-" Gerald was cut off.
"She did" Arnold confessed. The room was met with silence that seemed like to last for hours when only was a few seconds "But  I didn't believe her" It was barely louder than a whisper. But it was enough to drain the colour from Geralds face as he looked at his best friend in horror.
"You didn't believe her when she brought a football headed kid to your door?" Gerald folded his arms with a glare.
"She never came with the kid...She came and told me she was pregnant by a few weeks. I thought it was impossible and it was back in high school when-"
"When what?" Helga glared at him, she was holding herself now.
It was Arnolds turn to get angry. He was under attack from all sides, and he did deserve it, but he still couldn't keep in under control.
He straightened his back and narrowed his eyes at her "Back when you were obsessed with me" Venom dripped from his words.
Phoebe gasped quietly and covered her mouth. Geralds brows shot straight to his hair line as Helga's eyes widened and her fists tightened. "How dare-"
"Oh you are gonna deny it now? How about the poetry you scribbled in the back of your notebooks about me? Rich finding that when you lend me your notes then act like bitch when I gave it back. The way you stared at me all the time. The schemes to be my lab partner that never worked? The dates I had that you went to great lengths to ruin? The pictures you took when you thought I didn't notice. The locker shrine?" Arnold crossed his arms "And let's not forget what started this whole mess, waiting until I was wasted at Rhondas party and then I remember nothing! You probably convinced me to have sex with you and that started this mess. You could never wait to jump on me" 
Helga fell silent as she stared at him incrediously. Blinking once, then blinking twice as her mouth was wide open. Arnold took it as a cue to continue.
"So imagine when my drunk mistake of a stalker comes knocking on door telling me she is pregnant, with no proof in hand at all. I think if you were in my shoes you would have a hard time believing it to. I almost did when you screamed at me so hard you were crying at my doorstep. But what made me steered me the wrong way you might ask?" He took a dangerous step close to Helga "When you never came back, you never tried to prove it again. You argued with me for 20 minutes on that stoop and didn't show me anything or tell me about this kid. I don't even know his birthday is Helga, I don't know my own son's birthday and thats because of you"
"It's March 24th" Phoebe elbowed Gerald hard for piping up.
"Thank you Gerald I-" Before he could finish Helga punched him in the jaw. Arnold fell backwards as Gerald grabbed Helga from underneath her arms. Holding her back as she screamed and kicked wildly. Thrashing around in his arms like a wild animal. Spewing profanity in every which way.
"You mother fucker. You shitty mother fucking asshole. How fucking dare you fucking bring up that shit ass argument and forget what you fucking said during that argument" Helga screamed out in rage. Gerald was having difficulty containing her.
"Phoebe grab her legs please" Gerald pleaded
"Grabbing" The petite woman tried her best to wrangle Helga vicious legs. Arnold sat up rubbing his jaw as he watched the two wrestle with the blonde woman. If Helga could spit fire, she would.
"Oh, Oh and fucking 'Convincing' your bitch ass that a load of fucking shit too-Gerald let me go!" She struggled harder ut with her legs captured by Phoebe it was becoming harder to resist their restraints. "You fucking dirtbag. You came to me at that stupid party. You and your stupid fucking face and stupid jokes and stupid flirting" Phoebe watched as her best friend weakly struggled as tears poured down her face as she sobbed. "I actually thought you liked me back at that stupid fucking shitty party" "Language" Phoebe chided softly.
"Shut up! You were the one who convinced me, telling me that I liked pretty and that you wanted to dance with me and you spent time with me. You were drunk and I was drunk and..." Helga tried to squirm again but couldn't "And you told me things that made my heart race...get your facts fucking straight. You convinced me"
Arnold could only stare at her with wide eyes as Phoebe slowly lowered her legs down tot he ground. Gerald released her slowly but eyed her in case she got violent again.
"Then, when I go and tell you about it. I get something along the lines of 'Even if you were pregnant I wouldn't raise a kid with you' Fucking jack ass. YOu were clear with how you felt about it" Helga wiped the running massacre off her cheeks as she controlled her sobs in shaky breathing. Guilt ran through his veins again and he felt he might as well drown in it. He would be better off that way right now.
"I didn't...I didn't mean it," Arnold said softly
"Mean what? The sweet things you said or for this whole thing to happen?" Helga stared him down. He felt small in her gaze.
"I didn't mean what I said on the stoop that night" Arnolds slowly up at her "I would've wanted to-"
"To what? Drop out of college, get a part time job and move in with your older sister for 3 years until you saved up enough money for a one bedroom apartment. Take online business courses while having two jobs and juggle babysitters and pay with with e-transfers? Spend one whole check on child care and the other on rent and bills while praying to non existing god that you will have enough tips to feed yourself. To give up on certain dreams because you had to be the responsible one? You were the one who wanted to go off on adventures with your parents. You had big dreams you would never-"
"I would've dropped absolutely anything for you and that baby" Arnold blurted out. He was almost afraid that Helga would hit him again but her stunned silence made him look up and swallow thickly "I don't remember anything from that party except that you said something that I wanted to hear when the time was right and it was too soon. I...I didn't-"
"Didn't what?"
"I didn't think you would just drop me out of your life like that. You said that...told me your pregnant and then never talked to me again" He couldn't keep the hurt from his expression now "You told me you loved me and just disappeared afterward"
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whorror-jpeg · 7 years ago
Rottweiler (pt. 5)
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Summary: How much are you really willing to risk for him? Your art? Your grades? Your social status?
Prompts: noNE BENCH
Song: Rottweiler Playlist
Request: none
Requests Are: Open
Warning(s): cursing, family fights,
Word count: 1k
Author’s note: sorry this is so late and short, I really am, but I mean it’s a new part.
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You arrived back to the house, being greeted by your mom. Not saying anything, you sat at the table and ate dinner, Hopper staring at you.
“(Y/N)-” he began.
“If you’re gonna talk about him again, I’m walking home.” you interrupted, not looking at him. Hopper huffed, taking another spoonful of food. Eleanor was already done with her food and sat in your lap with a book.
“Read with me?” she asked. You looked at the time, it was 8:30 already.
“You tired?”
She nodded and got down, going to her room and waiting for you to follow. You closed her door and got the book she wanted you to read to her, L. Frank Baum’s Wizard of Oz.
“Jeez, El, I haven’t read this in years.” you chuckled.
She nods, getting comfortable in her bed.
You began the story, and as 9 hit, she was already asleep soundly. You kissed her forehead, left the book on the nightstand, turned off the light and went to the kitchen to clean up the dishes and put away the food. Your mom was in the living room, watching TV and nearly sleeping herself, while Hopper was helping clean.
“We’re talking about this.”
You turned to him, “What do you wanna talk about?”
“This boy, (Y/N).”
“You know, he’s not a bad guy. He’s just stupid.” you turn back to the dishes, shaking your head.
“We’re not stupid in this family.”
You turned your head to him, “Yeah? Well you’re acting really stupid about this whole situation, Jim.”
He sighed, “I just care about you, kid. That Hargrove boy is in and out of fights, in and out of tickets, not to mention the times I’ve had to take him home.”
“Do you ever consider he’s got shit going on?” Hopper stayed silent, staring at you, “He didn’t chose to be this way, Uncle Jim. He’s not just the mistakes he makes, he’s hurting and scared. He just needs something non-toxic.”
Hopper nods, and for the rest of the night, the two of you are silent, until you say your goodbyes at the door, and walk your sleepy mother out of the house and into the car.
You’d woken up your mother and brought her to bed, giving her medications and reminding her she had an appointment the following morning. When you went back to your room, you heard a tapping at your window, Billy sitting there, exhausted and beaten. You quickly opened the window and let him in, Billy going straight into your arms and giving a shaky sigh.
“What happened?!”You asked, pulling his head up gently to meet his gaze. The bottom of his eye was swelling shut, but you had a feeling it was worse than that.
“Oh, Billy…” you looked at his face, tears already streaming down his cheek, and kissed his forehead, “Did he hurt you anywhere else?”
Billy simply nodded and lifted up his shirt, revealing already purple and blue bruises apprearing on his ribcage and fading onto his back. You sat him down on his bed, telling him you’d be back, but he grabbed your wrist and with pleading eyes begged you to not leave.
“Please. I don’t wanna be alone.” he whimpered. “I’ll be back, I’m just getting you some stuff to help you.”
“You’re all the help I need, just please don’t leave baby.”
You nodded, sitting down on the bed with him and gently running your hand through his hair. He was holding back any tears or emotion now, a blank stare on his face as he sat foreward, elbows on his knees.
“Billy.” he looked at you with the same expression on his face, “Let it out.”
And he did. Sobs wracked his body violently as he explained the fight with his father, this one far worse before because Susan wasn’t there. You nodded the entire time, lending him the tissue box that was on your bedside table. When he was done explaining, you gently grabbed him by the opposite side of his face and pulled him closer, kissing the cheek that was facing you. He sighed, visibly calming down, and turned to hug you. You were surprised; Billy Hargrove didn’t hug, but now all he wanted was to be held in caring arms.
“I’m gonna go get the stuff real quick, okay?”
He nodded, letting you leave to retreave the ace bandages and aloe vera.
“I’m gonna put this stuff on you okay? It’ll cool you down and heal you faster.” you say, putting some light music on. He nodded, letting you rub the aloe under his swollen eye. His eye had a popped blood vessel, making it look violently red.
“Take off your shirt.”
Billy smirked, “Damn, okay.” he tried to lighten the mood.
“Don’t start being cheeky when you look like shredded ass, Hargrove.” you scolded jokingly. In reality, you were glad to see the Billy Hargrove who made jokes and played and teased. You finished rubbing the aloe on his ribs and back, then wrapped his torso in the long ace wrap.
“Dance with me.” you said quietly, standing up and holding your hand out. He looked at you incrediously.
“I don’t kow how.”
You smiled, “It’s okay, just sway with me. Nothing special.”
He got up, cautiously putting his hands on your waist and getting close to you. You put your arms on his pectorals, laying your head in between and listening to his heart before kissing his chest.
“Thank you.”
“You know you don’t always have to thank me after I help you, right?” you looked up.
He met your gaze, “Yeah I do.”
“Because one day you’re not gonna be here.”
You furrowed your brows, “What do you mean?”
“You’re too good for me, (Y/N).” he sighed, “I mean, look at what you’ve done these past few days.”
“Billy, I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” you pet his cheek and he leans down to kiss you softly. He grabs your face in both of his hands before breaking the kiss and dragging you to bed. At first you thought he was going to turn your small lovely night into something more innapropriate, but instead, he just held your back against his chest, intertwining your legs and kissing the back of your neck.
“G’night Billy.”
“Goodnight baby.”
TAGS: @creepykatftw @doomed-vodka @fangirlinganditswonders @aspyn @leavingtonight-1967 @nistaposebno @twisted1ginger @madhatterweasley @sleepy-rad @cherriesinspring @princess-huffy @xsuperwholockaddictx-blog @his-cocaine-heart @arronity @letmeletmetrashyourlove @not-a-glad-gladiator @nicospaten @artisticlales @sighsophiia @chlootheghost @haahhhhhhahahahah @sleepy-rad
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